Social media is a critical tool for a small business’s marketing efforts. With the number of social media users projected to grow to 4.4 billion by 2025, there are numerous opportunities to get your small business in front of your potential customers. However, it’s important to know how to stand out from the competition. To help, 13 members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) each offered their best advice on the following topic: “What’s one way small businesses can differentiate their social media from that of their competitors? How will this help them stand out?”
Read MoreForm 1099-K, Payment Card and Third Party Network Transactions, is filed by third-party settlement companies. This includes banks and payment processors, such as PayPal, that handle your credit and debit card payments as well as electronic payments. It also includes payments made via Venmo, Cash App, and other such apps.
Read MoreNo NFTs are not a pyramid scheme they are a medium through which people trade digital assets through the use of cryptocurrency. NFTs are decentralized, limited in number, and have smart contracts. If you own NFTs, the value of NFTs comes from their scarcity just like real-life fine art and also have the potential to appreciate over time. NFTs can also be programmed by their owners to help generate royalties for them as well.
Read MoreThe number of people feeling isolated has doubled in the past 30 years, a problem that has only been exacerbated by the pandemic. Mental and physical health risks aside—loneliness kills more than obesity does—isolation is the big, counterintuitive missing factor in personal productivity. A body of research is showing that regular, genuinely human accountability support can increase goal attainment by up to 95%.
Read MoreOne of the first questions new Notaries ask is where they can find a Notary mentor. This is true both for mobile Notaries looking to start their business and office Notaries who need help understanding how to carry out their basic duties. But what makes a good Notary mentor, and where are the best places to look? The National Notary Association reached out to a variety of mentors and mentees to ask about their experiences and get their recommendations. Here's what we learned.
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