There are lots of useful apps that can help you manage cash flow in your business. Then, when your venture grows, you might want to invest in an accountant to help you monitor your finances. If you don’t get paid on the spot, be sure to watch all money owed to you. Send out invoices for payments quickly and stay on top of collections. Again, various apps can help you send and receive invoices.
Read MoreSocial media is a critical tool for a small business’s marketing efforts. With the number of social media users projected to grow to 4.4 billion by 2025, there are numerous opportunities to get your small business in front of your potential customers. However, it’s important to know how to stand out from the competition. To help, 13 members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) each offered their best advice on the following topic: “What’s one way small businesses can differentiate their social media from that of their competitors? How will this help them stand out?”
Read MoreThese tactics may not be able to pull your business out of stagnation immediately, and some of them may not be a good fit for your brand in particular. But as long as you keep experimenting and pushing your business forward, you should be able to restore and reinvigorate the momentum that led you here.
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