The exact marketing strategy you employ for your business is likely to vary based on your industry. In fact, there are some concepts that only apply to certain types of businesses. And others can be changed or altered to fit different types of businesses. Here are tips for tailoring your marketing strategy to your industry from members of the online small business community.
Read MoreStarting your new Notary business may seem as free and easy as hanging a shingle, but Notary businesses, like many others, may require certain licenses and requirements, including a business license. Depending on where you live, that shingle may represent advertising at home, and there’s a license for that. If you’re randomly notarizing documents for free here and there, you don’t need to worry about obtaining a business license because you’re not running a business. That’s easy. Figuring out who is required to get one is a much tougher question, but it boils down to where the Notary lives.
Read MoreNon-Fungible Tokens (NFT) are interchangeable digital assets traded over the internet. NFTs are generated and traded in cryptocurrency which is digital cash with an encrypted key often in the form of a random string of numbers. NFTs are popular today because they offer a unique marketplace for digital assets with even companies creating their own NFTs as part of their marketing mix. Besides these NFTs allow users a flexible way to store, control, and protect the information related to their identity. NFTs creatives can also receive royalties from their NFTs and receive a percentage of future sales of their NFTs.
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