New York Notary and Apostille Service

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Posts tagged company culture
Where Companies Go Wrong with Learning and Development

Not only is the majority of training in today’s companies ineffective, but the purpose, timing, and content of training is flawed. Want to see eyes glaze over quicker than you can finish this sentence? Mandate that busy employees attend a training session on “business writing skills”, or “conflict resolution”, or some other such course with little alignment to their needs. Like lean manufacturing and the lean startup before it, lean learning supports the adaptability that gives organizations a competitive advantage in today’s market. It’s about learning the core of what you need to learn, applying it to real-world situations immediately, receiving immediate feedback and refining your understanding, and then repeating the cycle. In order to begin practicing lean learning, organizations need to move from measuring credits earned to measuring business outcomes created. Lean learning ensures that employees not only learn the right thing, at the right time, and for the right reasons, but also that they retain what they learn.

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Diverse Small Businesses are More Successful, Data Shows

Employees in your small business often have a direct impact on your business success. If you have a diverse team on board, your business is more likely to be successful.

According to the latest data compiled by SCORE in the form of an infographic, small businesses having diverse teams are more innovative and better perform financially. Also, diversity at the workplace helps in hiring and making better and faster decisions.

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How to Change Company Culture

Building a good company culture takes work. It becomes one of the keys to small business success. But suppose something’s not right?Does your company culture leave something to be desired? You could find yourself in danger of losing valuable talent and customers.How to Change Company CultureCheck these five tips on how to change company culture.

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