New York Notary and Apostille Service

Notary News

The latest in notary, Apostille, and business news from New York, NY.

Posts tagged successful
4 Steps to Creating A Successful Online Business From Scratch

Let’s face it, becoming an entrepreneur is hard. Even if you don’t have to deal with renting out an office space or dealing with customers face to face, there are still many challenges involved with establishing an online business. At some point, you are very likely to struggle with motivation, especially once the novelty period wears off and the day-to-day grind is staring you in the face.

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Diverse Small Businesses are More Successful, Data Shows

Employees in your small business often have a direct impact on your business success. If you have a diverse team on board, your business is more likely to be successful.

According to the latest data compiled by SCORE in the form of an infographic, small businesses having diverse teams are more innovative and better perform financially. Also, diversity at the workplace helps in hiring and making better and faster decisions.

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What Sets Successful CEOs Apart

The chief executive role is a tough one to fill. From 2000 to 2013, about a quarter of the CEO departures in the Fortune 500 were involuntary, according to the Conference Board. The fallout from these dismissals can be staggering: Forced turnover at the top costs shareholders an estimated $112 billion in lost market value annually, a 2014 PwC study of the world’s 2,500 largest companies showed. Those figures are discouraging for directors who have the hard task of anointing CEOs—and daunting to any leader aspiring to the C-suite. Clearly, many otherwise capable leaders and boards are getting something wrong. The question is, what?

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Your Guide To Building A Successful Notary Business

Building a business is a lot like sending a rocket to the moon. They both take careful planning, patience and hard work to succeed, and you don’t succeed all at once — you have to make the journey in stages. A lot of people who become Notary entrepreneurs think that they can just pick up a commission, buy a seal and journal and wait for customers to line up at their door. It doesn’t work that way.

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