Be prepared to not make the deal. If you enter negotiations with the mindset that you must close the deal, you're likely to accept unfavorable terms. It's best to have alternatives in mind, whether you're hiring someone, buying or selling something, or negotiating the price of something. You don't have to be stubborn, but don't accept bad terms just to make the deal.
Read MoreConsider total time versus uninterrupted time. After you find parking, which is usually not near the entrance of the facility, you may walk through a maze of hallways and elevators. There will likely be staff interruptions for taking vitals, making notes and conducting medical procedures, such as X-rays and changing IVs. Book a realistic amount of time for the appointment so that you won’t rush the client or be tempted to take shortcuts.
Read MoreThere's nothing as awkward as finishing a notarization, watching the signer walk out the door and then realizing you forgot something. This checklist can help you make sure you have done everything needed to properly complete a notarization before the signer departs.
Read MoreThe Notary seal is critical for every notarization. Together with the Notary’s signature, the seal authenticates the notarization and makes the notarized document recordable in land records, admissible as evidence in legal proceedings and acceptable when sent to other states and territories. Hence, a fraudster would like nothing more than to obtain an authentic Notary seal to help in forging notarizations and carrying out document fraud.
Read MoreIf a signer lacks identification documents, many states permit using personal knowledge — that is, the Notary's own familiarity and interaction with the signer over time — as a means of identification. But it's not always easy to tell when a Notary knows someone well enough to use this option.
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