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15 Templates for a Sales Follow Up Email

15 Templates for a Sales Follow Up Email

Published: Jun 18, 2020 Last Updated: Jul 22, 2020 by Annie Pilon

Email is an essential way of communicating in sales. But far too often, sales professionals focus solely on the initial pitch and neglect the customer follow up. Getting back in touch with prospects ultimately helps businesses close more sales. So creating a few solid templates for sales follow up emails can help your team communicate consistently and make more sales over the long run.

If you’re ready to improve your sales efficiency by following up email communications, use these email templates as a starting point to create your own.

Templates for Sales Follow Up Emails

Your sales follow up emails should always be tailored to each prospect and the situation surrounding your prior communications. These templates can help you get started, but be sure to change around some of the wording and personalize them for the best sales results.

Following Up to Say Thank You

Saying “thank you” is a perfect excuse to reach back out to your prospects via email after a call, meeting, or any other form of communication. Genuinely show your appreciation for your time and then segue that into further discussion about your products or services.

Hi [Name],

Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me earlier today! I truly enjoyed learning more about you and [company name].

Please let me know once you’ve had a chance to look over the info I shared with you. I’d also be happy to give you a call to answer any questions you may have. Call me at [phone number] any time or reach out to me here.


When to Use

This basic follow up email is perfect for any prospect who you’ve recently met or spoken with via phone or email.

Following Up to Share More Information

Chances are, there’s more information to share about your offerings than what you shared in your initial sales pitch. If a prospect hasn’t yet replied to your email or returned your call, adding some additional details may help you sweeten the deal.

Hi [Name],

I enjoyed meeting with you earlier today to discuss [subject]. As promised, here’s that information about [subject] that you mentioned. I hope you find it helpful

Let me know once you’ve had a chance to look over this additional information. I’d be happy to discuss with you further or answer any additional questions you may have.


When to Use

This sales follow-up is a bit more specific. Use it when you would like a prospect you spoke with referenced a specific subject and you have a resource that can help.

Following Up to Share a Special Offer

More specifically, a new offer or deal may help to make your sales pitch more enticing for a prospect who is on the fence. If it’s a new or limited time offer, it’s a perfect excuse to reach back out to people you haven’t heard from in a while.

Hello [Name],

I know I’ve already shared some information about [product or service] with you, but I thought you might be interested to learn about a new deal our company is offering. [Share details]

This deal is currently available through [end date]. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out or call me at [phone number].


When to Use

This sales follow-up email may be effective with a prospect who has seemed a bit hesitant about previous offers — especially if their concerns revolved around pricing or value.

Following Up to Accommodate a Special Request

For a prospect who asked questions, made requests or shared concerns with you during a previous discussion, your follow-up email is a perfect time to address those points. Reference your prior conversation and quickly and concisely share your response with them.

Hi [Name],

It was great speaking with you earlier. During our conversation, you mentioned concerns about [subject]. Luckily, I reached out to my supervisor and learned that [share details].

I hope this new information may help to answer your questions about [product or service]. If you have any additional concerns you’d like to discuss, feel free to call me at [phone number] or reach out to me here.


When to Use

If you’ve met or spoken with a prospect who seemed interested but had a specific concern that you can address, this sales follow-up email may help to ease their mind.

Following Up After an Event

Sales professionals often make initial contact with new prospects during trade shows, networking events, or local gatherings. After that first meeting, it’s imperative to send follow-up emails to those individuals so you can move the conversation forward.

Hi [Name],

It was so great meeting you at [event name]. I hope you got a ton of value from the sessions.

I wanted to follow up with you since you expressed interest in learning more about [product, service, or company]. Would you be open to scheduling a call to discuss? I’d love to learn more about your company’s needs in this area.


When to Use

After you’ve met someone at a networking event or trade show, follow up with them as quickly as possible so the interaction is still fresh in their mind.

Following Up After They’ve Shown Interest

Chances are, you can see which prospects open your emails and which ones follow a link to your website or sales page. For those who have shown some level of interest but haven’t actually responded or completed a purchase, a friendly reminder may be in order.

Hi [Name],

I noticed that you visited the website I linked to in my last email. I hope this isn’t an overstep, but I just wanted to make sure you found what you were looking for and see if you had any questions.

Let me know if you’d like to discuss the information further. I’m happy to schedule a call or address any concerns you may have via email.


When to Use

If a prospect has actively opened your emails or clicked links you’ve shared, they are more likely to be interested in what you have to offer. They may have simply gotten distracted or they could have questions. When you send a follow-up to this person, it’s your opportunity to take the next steps as easy as possible and make sure they’re still interested.

Following Up After They Haven’t Shown Interest

However, some of your prospects may not have taken these steps at all. So your follow-up emails to these individuals should follow a different template.

Hello [Name],

I don’t want to pester you, but I just want to make sure that you received the information I sent about [product or service] in my previous email. I really feel like this could benefit your company because [give explanation].

Do you have a few minutes to discuss further this week? Let me know your schedule or give me a call at [phone number] and I’ll walk you through a demo.


When to Use

This sales follow-up is for those who haven’t responded to other emails. You’re just checking to see if they’re still interested or if they would like any additional information.

Following Up After a Meeting or Call

If you’ve just had an in-person meeting or phone call with a prospect, your email should be specially personalized to your conversations.

Hi [Name],

I really enjoyed our meeting earlier today! Thanks for taking the time to discuss how [product or service] could benefit your operations over at [company name].  I think it sounds like a great fit.

Once you’ve had a chance to look over the materials I shared with you, I’d be happy to walk you through the sign-up process or answer any questions you may have. Call me at [phone number] when you get a few moments.


When to Use

This follow up email is another general option for sending to someone after you spoke with them personally. Try to include a subject line that’s relevant to your discussion.

Following Up to Share a Specific Detail

More specifically, some of these meetings may have involved discussions about a particular feature or event. If you can come up with some new detail to share about an area where a prospect already showed interest, do so in your follow up email.

Hey [Name],

Thanks for taking a few minutes out of your day to speak with me last week. I really enjoyed our chat. If I remember correctly, you said your company was working on [detail from your conversation], and I just learned about a new product we’re working on that I think would be a great fit.

Do you have a few minutes to jump on a call with me this week? I’m excited to share the details with you since I think it would be a perfect solution for your team.


When to Use

This follow up email is perfect for those who have expressed interest in a particular area that a new offering from your company can help with.

Following Up to Learn Next Steps

Sometimes, it’s most effective to let a prospect guide the discussion. Tailoring your follow-up email to give them this opportunity may give them more incentive to respond.

Hi [Name],

I hope you’ve had a chance to look over my previous email. Have you had a chance to consider the proposal I shared with you?

I know you’re quite busy, but I’m available to discuss with you further if you have any questions. Let me know how to best proceed so we can work around your schedule.


When to Use

This sales follow up email is best for those who have shown interest in the past but have yet to act on that interest. If they’ve expressed they’re especially busy or they have additional questions or concerns, letting them take the lead may be beneficial.

Following Up to Stay in Touch

In some instances, you may not be likely to make a sale right away. But staying in contact with these prospects through follow up emails can still be beneficial. Bonus if you can share something immediately that they’ll find useful — without pushing a sale.

Hi [Name],

I really enjoyed meeting you at [event or occasion]. I think there could be some exciting opportunities for us to work together in the future.

Would it be alright if I add you to our contact list and reach out periodically with new opportunities? I promise not to be a pest!

For now, I’ve attached [offer or resource] that I think you may find useful. [explain value proposition] [Signature]

When to Use

This type of email is best for prospects who aren’t ready to complete a sale just yet. You may have met them at a networking event or local gathering and they expressed general interest, but need to grow their company or complete a big project first.

Following Up to Get a Quick Response

Some prospects may want to respond but just haven’t had the time to do so yet. If you can tailor your follow up emails to these individuals to make them super easy and quick, you may be more likely to get the information you need to know.

Hello [Name],

I know you’re busy, so I won’t take up too much of your time. When I don’t hear back from someone, I know it’s usually because they’re either busy, not interested, or missing my emails. If you could let me know with a super quick reply, I’ll update your file so as not to bother you again.

1 – busy right now

2 – not interested

3 – haven’t seen previous emails


When to Use

This is for the busy prospects on your following up on email list. They haven’t respondent to your other follow-up emails and you aren’t sure if you should keep contacting them. Make it clear in the subject line that you want to make it easy for them to respond.

Following Up to Add Extra Value

Sometimes, taking the conversation away from the pressure of a sale can be beneficial. By sharing an extra resource with no strings attached, you can remind them of the value your company provides, which may help you keep the conversation going so you can eventually close a sale in the future.

Hey [Name],

I remember you mentioning your interest in [subject] during one of our previous conversations. Our content team just put together this amazing infographic that I thought you might find illuminating.

If you enjoy it, feel free to share it on your social media channels. I’d also love to discuss a new offer related to [subject] that we have in the works if you have an extra minute this week. Feel free to give me a call at [number].


When to Use

This follow up email is perfect for those who have extra content or resources that are related to a prospect’s area of interest. It’s not specifically to push new sales but could help you nurture those relationships. Mentioning it is an infographic or another content in the subject line can be benefficial.

Following Up to Correct Your Records

It’s possible that your emails and phone calls have gone without a response because you simply are not reaching out to the right decision-maker at the company. If you suspect this is the case, you can simply ask if there’s a better person to reach out to.

Hi [Name],

I’ve sent you a couple of emails regarding [subject] over the past few weeks. I don’t want to bother you, but I do feel like we’d be a great fit to help [company] with [pain point].

After my last email, it struck me that you may not be the right person to reach out to at [company]. If there’s someone else I should contact, please let me know and I’ll update our records so as not to bother you again. Thank you!


When to Use

This follow-up is for those who haven’t responded to your previous messages at all, so you’re not necessarily sure whether or not you’re reaching the right person.

Following Up to Close Your File

Ultimately, not all prospects turn into customers. Continuing to follow up with an unresponsive individual may only lead to wasted time for your sales team. So following up one final time to close your file may be beneficial.


I’m going through my contacts and realized that I haven’t heard back from you about [product or offer]. I’m sorry we haven’t been able to work together so far.

If you’re not interested, I don’t want to keep bothering you. Would it be alright if I closed your file with us? If you have questions or want to discuss it at any point, I can be reached at [number].


When to Use

This is your follow up email of last resort. They haven’t shown any interest to this point, and you don’t want to keep wasting their (and your) time.

Sales Followup Mistakes to Avoid

These follow up email templates can go a long way toward improving your sales. However, there are a few issues that salespeople often come across when crafting their actual communications.

Avoid these seven mistakes when it comes to follow up email messages:

  • Message too vague – If the message isn’t relevant to them, they’re going to scroll right past it. Take the time to include details about their company.

  • Typos – Proofread your message for errors so you can avoid looking careless and unprofessional. And never get their name wrong!

  • Waiting too long – If you wait to send a sales follow up email for too long, your message may no longer be relevant. The exact timing varies depending on what you’re selling, but always be intentional with your email spacing.

  • Too many emails – Even if your offer is relevant, bombarding a prospect with emails can make you seem pushy and make them not want to do business with you. Keep it to just the essential when you send a follow-up emails so they’re more likely to actually respond.

  • High pressure or unpleasant tone – Your tone in a follow up email can go a long way toward convincing people to do business with you. If you seem like a slimy salesperson, they may simply go elsewhere.

  • Burning bridges – If the prospect says not at this time, that doesn’t mean you can never make the sale. Accept their response kindly and work to keep the relationship going in the future.

  • Not doing research – It pays to know a bit about the person you’re emailing. This doesn’t mean you have to meet with everyone personally. But a quick scan of your CRM or an online search can help you understand their company and any previous contact with your business.

Action Items

Now that you understand what makes a powerful follow-up email, it’s time to start putting this concept to use for your small business. Start by saving the email templates above and distributing them to your sales team. Edit any points to make them more relevant to your business. Then work with your team to create a follow-up schedule so everyone knows exactly when and how to reach out to prospects. You might even put together a chart with various scenarios so your team understands when to choose each of the follow-up email templates.