Published: Jul 31, 2021 Last Updated: Aug 10, 2021 by Annie Pilon In Marketing Tips
Nearly every business today uses some form of online marketing. So if you want your company to stand out, you need to think a bit differently. New platforms like Clubhouse and TikTok may help. Or you could find new strategies within your tried and true methods like SEO and email marketing. These tips from members of the online small business community can help you go beyond the basics to improve your online marketing.
Use Conversational Insights to Take the Guesswork Out of Marketing
Lots of businesses use keywords for their online marketing. But if you want to take your efforts to the next level, it’s necessary to go beyond simple keywords. Learn how conversational insights can help you go deeper in this Search Engine Watch post by Jacqueline Dooley.
Focus on Video in Your Online Marketing
Video has been a popular promotional and communication method for years. But some business owners still resist the format. If you need more reasons to focus on video this year, read this SMB CEO post by Ivan Widjaya. Then head over to BizSugar to read members’ comments.
Make Use of Public Relations
Public relations isn’t a new concept. But it hasn’t gotten as much attention in recent years as high tech marketing tactics like SEO and social media. However, it can still make a major impact. Learn how in this Duct Tape Marketing post and podcast by John Jantsch.
Focus on Digital Reputation Management
Many of today’s businesses focus on digital marketing. But it may be more useful to think of it as reputation management. After all, your online presence makes up a huge piece of your overall reputation. Read more about digital reputation management in this UpCity post by David J. Brin.
Consider These Affiliate Marketing Programs for Your Business
Affiliate marketing involves connecting businesses with influencers, businesses, or individuals who share their products or services. They can then earn small commissions on sales sent to the business. If you’re interested in using this tactic in 2021, check out this GetResponse post by John P. Lobrutto first.
Consider Joining Clubhouse
Clubhouse is a relatively new social platform. Some brands have jumped on the bandwagon early, while others have hung back. So which route is right for your business? Some experts weigh in on the Content Marketing Institute blog. Read this post by Ann Gynn for the details.
Gain More Visibility Online During the Pandemic
The pandemic has made things tough for a lot of businesses. But some businesses have been able to actually improve their online marketing efforts during this time. To make the most of a bad situation, read the tips in this Bright Local post by Jonathan Birch.
Get to Know These TikTok Stats
If you still haven’t tried using TikTok for your business, this may be the time to jump in. This Sprout Social post by Chloe West includes some stats that may entice marketers and provide insights for using the platform.
Improve Email Replies to Create Positive Customer Experiences
Email marketing has long been an important business strategy. But personalized communication is also important. If you want to make the most of this powerful communication method, read this Marketing Land post by Ryan Phelan.
Avoid Podfade When Promoting Your Podcast
Podcasting provides an exciting business strategy and/or promotional method. But if you want to make an actual impact, you need to publish regularly. Unfortunately, many podcasters suffer from a condition called podfade. Learn what it is and how to avoid it in this GMR Transcription post by Beth Worthy. Then see what members of the BizSugar community are saying about the post here.
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