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3 Strategies That Will Help Your Small Business Navigate A Pandemic

Rhett PowerContributor

Most small business leaders, like the rest of us, didn’t see the COVID-19 pandemic coming, so they haven't had adequate time to prepare. The full effects of illness and business closures have only begun to appear.

On March 13, the National Federation of Independent Business Research Center reported that only about one-quarter of small business owners said they'd been hurt by the pandemic, though nearly all were worried about future disruptions in their workforces, supply chains, and sales pipelines during an escalating crisis.

Fast-forward a couple of weeks and those disruptions have increased, as confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus have mounted and states have imposed mandatory business shutdowns. A survey from Goldman Sachs released March 19 found that more than half said they couldn't continue operating for longer than another fiscal quarter if conditions don’t improve.

That’s bad news for the American economy, the millions of Americans employed by small businesses, and the owners who have put their lives and livelihoods into managing them. To combat this, small businesses must plan to face each of the major negative business effects of the new coronavirus head-on.

Things will get worse before they get better

The prevailing opinion among medical professionals, lawmakers, and business leaders is that conditions will deteriorate further before they improve. It's as if a metaphorical groundhog saw its shadow and warned for six more weeks (or more) of peak pandemic mode.

For small business owners, that likely means navigating more disruptions and difficulties in the coming weeks and months. Those already-hit small businesses have been hurt the hardest in the realms of supply chain disruptions, slower sales, and lost productivity from increased employee sick time, according to the NFIB Research Center. Only 3% of small business owners say their business prospects are improving during the crisis.

Regardless of whether you’re already experiencing any of these negative effects yourself, you should put in place a plan for dealing with them now. With that in mind, here are three strategies small business owners can use to prepare for what’s coming next.

1. Calm customers to ease supply chain bottlenecks

Irrational buying caused by widespread consumer panic is resulting in demand shocks for supplies like toilet paper and frozen food. Ali Hasan R., cofounder and CEO of ThroughPut Inc., a data consultant automation company, believes that transparency from manufacturers will help everyone in the long run. “Even if we could source raw materials faster, we can’t necessarily exceed the maximum throughput of the country’s toilet paper manufacturing capacity,” he says. “When no more can be done on the production side, we must convince the customer that excessive purchase of toilet paper is statistically unnecessary."

This sort of engagement ease will not only ease consumer anxiety, but will also help manufacturers and retailers drive awareness and loyalty. Utilization of these high-demand items likely remains largely unchanged. And there's risk in boosting production too high for a temporary demand, according to the Association of Supply Chain Management. Supply chain professionals should be prepared for a bullwhip effect, in which demand suddenly disappears because consumers have stocked up on these supplies to last them for an extended period.

2. Seek financial assistance to combat slowing sales

In the weeks and months ahead, we’ll likely see a growing number of assistance programs become available to help small business owners, and some will be federally funded. The Small Business Administration, for example, has announced that it will be offering low-interest loans to small business owners in all U.S. states and territories. The private sector is helping out, too. For example, Facebook recently unveiled grants worth a total of $100 million to up to 30,000 small businesses around the world. The money could be used to help with operational costs, customer outreach, workforce maintenance, rent, or other expenses that small business owners will have to contend with amid the pandemic.

In addition, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently released a tool kit with guidelines for small business owners on how to navigate the current environment of uncertainty. It contains planning tools and customizable communications assets that small businesses can use to engage with customers. If your business is suffering or is likely to suffer as a result of this pandemic, take advantage of the resources these organizations provide. A low-interest loan or grant can help your business stay afloat while revenue drops to lower than you predicted.

3. Plan for decreased productivity

Small businesses across the nation are laying off employees, placing workers on furlough, or significantly reducing employee hours. If you’ve managed to keep your workforce intact, don’t expect to sustain the same levels of productivity you saw at the beginning of the year. It’s very likely that some of your employees will be forced to miss time, either because they get sick or because they have to take care of sick family members. Try to be lenient about granting leave and to prioritize employee wellness over business performance as this crisis unfolds. When you do have several people out sick, plan for lower productivity from your team as a whole by communicating to customers about delays, adding help when you can, and making efforts to catch up when fully staffed.

Depending on the nature of your business, you may be one of the countless companies forced into the world’s largest work-from-home experiment to date. Businesses that already rely on remote workers will at least have foundations in place for the infrastructure required to support a completely remote workforce. For other companies, this will represent a seismic shift — one that may ultimately not work. If you’re in the midst of this transition, you should know that your success will primarily be determined by trust. You need to trust that your employees will continue to work hard for you even though you’re not physically around to supervise.

No one knows how severe the economic impact of COVID-19 will be or how long the recovery process will take. What is certain is that its effects will be far-reaching and, in some cases, permanent. Take advantage of the resources available to help you navigate today’s uncertainty. If you can get through this crisis, you’ll be ready for whatever tomorrow brings.